This is a factory original used part. The best way to assure this is the correct replacement for your appliance is to match the part number on the sticker of your original board, to the number listed in the title of this ad. (See picture)
Each part has an individual part number that is model-specific. To confirm this part’s compatibility or to get instructions on how to find the correct part #, click this “Getting Started” link.
This board was removed from model number: GSE25HMHEHES
Model numbers and cross-reference part numbers were obtained from
Cross Reference Information: Part Number WR55X40445 (AP7187861) replaces WR55X35826, WR55X31697, WR55X39647, WR55X29773, WR55X30596, WR55X26846, WR55X27057, WR55X27087, WR55X28660, WR55X28886, WR55X28912, WR55X28926, WR55X31326, WR55X34888, WR55X35026, WR55X37145.
Thank you for visiting, “The Highest Point In Quality – At The Lowest Point In Pricing” the online source for used appliance control boards cleaned, tested, and guaranteed. Fast nationwide shipping.
We have provided some helpful YouTube troubleshooting videos for you to view.